What We Do
Little Bardfield Parish Council exists to represent the interests of its residents and endeavours to preserve the rural nature of our area. The Councillors act jointly and individually to achieve these objectives, frequently by interaction with Uttlesford District Council and Essex County Council. This is often facilitated through the respective District or County Councillor, both of whom attend our regular meetings.
Composition of the Parish Council
Little Bardfield Parish comprises three separate areas: Little Bardfield village (LB), Hawkspur Green (HG) to the north and Oxen End (OE) to the south, all within Uttlesford District Council (UDC) and Essex County Council (ECC). Ideally, each area needs representation.
Uttlesford District Council assigns five Councillor positions to form a volunteer (unpaid!) Little Bardfield Parish Council (PC). If more than five candidate’s names are nominated to UDC then an election is held. If less than five names are nominated, then those names that are nominated are elected as unopposed and any balance to make up to five is filled by subsequent co-option.
We are a relatively small Parish and community activities or commercial operations are somewhat limited. It has been, to date, unnecessary to form separate sub-committees.
Parish Council meetings are normally held four times each year with the Annual General or Parish Meeting being in May. Additional meetings may be convened to consider specific topics such as Planning Applications. One of the Parish Council’s responsibilities is to set the Parish’s part of the annual Council tax, known as the Precept.
Everyone is welcome to attend any Parish Council meeting to hear what is going on. The Agenda for every meeting starts with a public forum. If you attend with the intention of obtaining specific information, then pre-notice to the Parish Clerk will ensure that such information is available at the meeting.
Information is circulated via this website, Noticeboards which are situated at each of the three locations and article inclusion in the Bardfield Times.
The Parish Website is funded from the Community Fund and maintained by the Parish Council.